Reef & Beach clean-up Day
Date Published: June 5th 2012
Author: The Dive Shop Cambodia

Our Reef & Beach clean-up day was a big success! In the first place, the Dive Shop's staff members did a dive to clean up the pier as well as the shallow water just off the beach. We used baskets the divers filled up with rubbish and the non-divers pulled the things up the pier to bag it for transport to Sihanoukville.
Afterwards we gathered some of the villagers from Koh Tui village to help making our beach a better place. Also Gabi's kids taking the Dive Shop's English classes helped us a lot. It was really good fun!

We collected around 200 kg of rubbish diving plus another 250 to 300 kg on the beach. Marine debris which gets washed onto the beach would have gone back into the ocean at the next high tide.

We would like to say 'Akun chirern - Thank you' to all the great people who supported our efforts to make Koh Rong island a better place!