COVID-19 Update
Date Published: April 30th 2020
Author: The Dive Shop Cambodia

It has been rather quiet here at The Dive Shop Cambodia due to COVID-19 and I feel that it is time for an update. First of all we are doing good, we are closed since around one month but all of us are fine. Luckily the outbreak in Cambodia is not as severe as it is in many other countries. So far there are only 122 confirmed cases of #COVID-19 in Cambodia with most of them recovered and only one single severe case, a total of 11567 tests has been conducted and there has been no new case since April 9th. Most Cambodians deal with the situation very well, a lot of people stay at home, in Sihanoukville most people do wear masks but most businesses are open but enforcing distancing rules. We are optimistic that we can open up again in June or July or as soon as there are tourists around who would be interested in scuba diving. Until them we are using the time to service all our dive equipment and to update our homepage to be ready and shiny again when COVID-19 times are over. This is a very unusual situation to be not diving and in the history of the company we have only been closed for a total or 3 days when our team together with our neighbors from the Robinson Bungalows made a trip to visit Angkor Wat in the north of Cambodia. We can not wait to start diving again as soon as possible, to kill some time until then we are offering to teach all our programs theoretical parts via video conference.