CoralWatch Coral Health Chart Distinctive Specialty Course
CoralWatch is a non-profit organization, built on a research project at the University of Queensland in Brisbane, Australia.
The aim is to provide hands-on monitoring and education tools to increase awareness of reef threats and encourage behaviour change towards a sustainable, low-carbon future.
The main research tool is the Coral Health Chart. This Chart is basically a series of sample colours, with variation in brightness representing different stages of bleaching/recovery, based on controlled experiments. It is an inexpensive, simple, non-invasive method for the monitoring of coral bleaching and assessment of coral health. In the field, users simply compare colours of corals with colours on the chart and record matching codes. With the help of the Health Charts, anyone in the world can monitor the health of any reef across the globe.
For further information visit
Prerequisites: To take the CoralWatch Coral Health Chart Specialty course, you must be a PADI certified diver (or qualifying certification from another training organization).

We charge $199 for the CoralWatch Coral Health Chart Distinctive Specialty course.
Included in this price is the PADI 5 star gold certification card, rental of all the equipment you need for the course, one night accomodation in our dormroom at Koh Rong Samleum island, breakfast and lunch as well as the transfer to Koh Rong Samleum island and an open return ticket to get back to Sihanoukville.
Click here to book the CoralWatch Coral Health Chart Distinctive Specialty course!